What is bullying at the workplace?

Workplace bullying is happening when a person or a group repeatedly violates the dignity of another person over a longer period of time (indications: about once a week for several months). This happens when the person concerned is bullied, ignored, devalued, insulted or simply ignored. The ultimate goal is always to exclude the person concerned. A clear distinction must be made between the terms “bullying” and “conflict”. Conflicts arise wherever people are involved with each other, they are therefore unavoidable and commonplace. However, if serious and persistent conflicts are not recognized or resolved at an early stage, they can develop into bullying. But watch out: Not every dispute, not every criticism, actually conceals targeted bullying. In order to recognize bullying, it is necessary to take a holistic view of the situation and how it arose, as the individual acts of bullying, considered on their own, often do not constitute serious offences and allow for different interpretations.

Examples of typical acts of bullying are:

  • Shaming, disparaging remarks, teasing
  • Shouting and loud scolding
  • Ignoring
  • Refusal to make contact
  • Disparaging looks or gestures
  • Withholding information
  • Spreading rumors, talking bad about someone

Acts of bullying have to occur frequently and over a longer period of time, so that they become a serious burden for those affected. The following test helps to find out whether bullying is taking place.

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Claudia Stam Icon
Claudia Stam
Managing Director and owner
advice for those affected
advice For Employers

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